Written By: Cole T. Fuerth, AVP Governance and Finance
Money! Difficult to think of a better hook than that. Scholarships act as a way to both reward and encourage students across disciplines but are often forgotten after applying before first year. There are many scholarships available for current University students and knowing about them could be the difference between nothing and thousands of dollars. Western University offers many internal scholarships all visible through the “Western Awards Search” (https://studentservices.uwo.ca/secure/Awards/awardMain.cfm). The Awards Search allows students to filter scholarships by academic careers, faculties, and criteria. In the following blog post I will share some of the 2023-24 scholarships for the social sciences and provide a few tips about applying to any scholarship!
For the purposes of relevancy to all students, I’ve chosen to include broad tips for any scholarship application as it relates to the merit based components such as essays or question responses.
Start Early: Nothing revolutionary here. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your application if given the choice. It is always best to give yourself as much time as possible to gather all the required documents you’ll need.
Keeps Lists: Keep a list of scholarships you qualify for and their deadlines, set reminders.
Reference Past Applications: Although it is usually recommended you tailor your application as much as possible to each individual scholarship, you will often find yourself writing about the same things over and over again. Keep a database of all the scholarship application questions you have encountered and your response. Mine just looks like a hectic Microsoft Word Document but ctrl+F and this document has saved me countless hours.
Know your Criteria: Make sure you have a firm understanding of scholarship criteria and guidelines. There is nothing worse than spending time completing an application that you don't even qualify for. It may seem obvious until you encounter a scholarship with one small hidden sub-criteria that disqualifies you.
Know Yourself: Be able to speak eloquently to a diverse range of your experiences, you never know which will be most relevant to the next scholarship application.
Stand out: Think your response is cliche? Change it. Be unique, grab their attention by any means necessary. Who knows how many applications the person that reads yours has seen already.
Keep Applying: Apply, apply, apply. You never know which scholarship will be that one that you are awarded.
Play to your strengths: Be mindful of which scholarships you are applying to, try to choose scholarships relevant to your stronger experiences and knowledge which you are able to speak to best.
Scholarships are not free money. The time you take to apply and the effort you put forth are not valueless. Keep competition in mind, is this a general scholarship with great exposure, likely has thousands of applicants, and I have no unique answer to the prompt? Skip. That is not to say be discouraged by these scholarships, maybe the person reading your answer actually does find it noteworthy, but just be mindful of where you invest your time. Also, something to look out for are scholarships based on random selection which are actually just a raffle.
My mentality when applying is any scholarship that you are discouraged to apply to for whatever reason, whether it be a lengthy essay or complex questions, every possible applicant will be discouraged for the same reason. The more of a pain the application is, the less competition. No pain, no gain.
As previously mentioned, Western University offers many internal scholarships all visible through the “Western Awards Search” (https://studentservices.uwo.ca/secure/Awards/awardMain.cfm). The Awards Search allows students to filter scholarships by academic careers, faculties, and criteria. Checking the Award Search throughout the year will also help you stay up to date on the latest scholarships. Here are some of the 2023-24 scholarships for the social sciences:
G. Edward Ebanks Scholarship
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the faculty of social science, department of sociology. The office of the registrar will select the recipients. A student may receive a UWOFA scholarship only once. This scholarship is made possible by the members of the University of Western Ontario faculty association (UWOFA). Value: 1 at $1,500, awarded annually effective date: 2022-2023 to 2024-2025 academic years inclusive
Academic achievement
Faculty specific
Full-time students
Named donor award
Christene A. Scrimgeour Bursary
Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in third year of any module in the dan department of management & organizational studies, based on demonstrated financial need. Online financial assistance applications are available through student center and must be submitted by october 31st. The office of the registrar will select the recipient. This bursary was established by the alumni association, with donations from Western alumni, in recognition of mrs. Christene scrimgeour's (ba'81) contributions as president of foundation Western from 2010 to 2012. Value: 1 at $1,000 effective: 2014-2015 to 2023-2024 academic years inclusive
Apply By: October 31
Faculty specific
Financial need
Full-time students
Named donor award
How To Apply: Online Financial Assistance Application
Department of History Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time second year student in the faculty of social science in an honours specialization, major, or specialization in history, based on academic achievement (minimum 80% average). The student will be eligible to continue to receive this award up to and including year four of the history program, provided that he/she maintains an 80% academic average. A new recipient will not be selected until the current recipient no longer qualifies. The recipient will be selected by the dean based on the recommendation of the department of history. Established from a generous gift by mr. William edgar (dhs '94 in history) through foundation Western to recognize the outstanding teaching provided to him by the faculty members of the department of history. Value: 1 at $1,800 effective: 2023 - 2024 academic year
Faculty specific
Min 80% average
Named donor award
How to Apply: No Application Required.
Faculty Association Scholarship in Social Science
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the faculty of social science based on academic achievement. The office of the registrar will select the recipients. A student may receive a UWOFA scholarship only once. This scholarship is made possible by the members of the University of Western Ontario faculty association (UWOFA). Value: 6 at $1,500, awarded annually effective date: 2022-2023 to 2024-2025 academic years inclusive
Academic achievement
Faculty specific
Full-time students
Named donor award
Faculty Association Scholarship In Social Science PT
Awarded to part-time undergraduate students in the faculty of social science based on academic achievement. Students must have completed ten courses in order to be eligible. Selection will be based on the average of the last five courses taken at the 1000-level or above. The office of the registrar will select the recipients. A student may receive a UWOFA scholarship only once. This scholarship is made possible by the members of the University of Western Ontario faculty association (UWOFA). Value: 1 at $1,500, awarded annually effective date: 2022-2023 to 2024-2025 academic years inclusive
Academic achievement
Faculty specific
Named donor award
Part-time students
Dr. Elaine Bjorklund Global Opportunities Award
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in any program (Honours, Major or Minor) in the Faculty of Social Science, who is participating in a Western University international exchange or study abroad program with preference given to a student who is attending the Pearl River Delta Field Course. Students must submit a one-page statement outlining what they expect to learn through their program of study and how they will be an effective Ambassador for Western. Only students who have been approved for any of the above listed programs and who are registered at the constituent University may be considered. Students must have completed their prescribed academic program the previous year and currently be registered as a full-time student (minimum 3.5 full courses). Online applications are available on the Global Opportunities website, Western International. Transcripts are required for students who studied elsewhere in their previous academic year. Applications are due on February 15th (for decisions in late March). Receipt of the award will be based on the acceptance of the candidate into the specified study abroad program, though students may apply in advance of acceptance. This award was established by a generous gift from Dr. Cecilia S. Yau (BA Honours Geography 1972, LLB 2014), in honour of her former Western Professor and Menor, Dr. Elaine Bjorklund. Value: 2 at $2,000* Effective: 2016-2017 to 2025-2026 academic years inclusive *Each $1,000 from the Donor is being matched by $1,000 through the University Global Opportunities Matching Program as long as the program is offered by the University
Apply By: February 15
Academic Achievement
Faculty Specific
Full-Time Students
Global Opp - Internship Exper
Named Donor Award
How To Apply: Study Abroad Opportunities
Hazelview Urban Development Award
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Social Science based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to candidates in the Urban Development program in the Department of Geography and Environment. The Faculty of Social Science will select the recipients. Value: 1 at $3,000, awarded annually Effective Date: 2022-2023 to 2026-2027 academic years inclusive This award is made possible by Hazelview Investments - active investors, owners and managers of real estate investments since 1999. Hazelview is committed to fostering the sustainable growth of the communities in which they operate and supports learning and innovation in Environmental, Social, and Governance practices.
Academic Achievement
Faculty Specific
Full-Time Students
Named Donor Award
Hazelview Urban Development Bursary
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Social Science based on financial need. Preference will be given to candidates in the Urban Development program in the Department of Geography and Environment. Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center and must be submitted by October 31. The Office of the Registrar will select the recipients. Value: 1 at $3,000, awarded annually Effective Date: 2022-2023 to 2026-2027 academic years inclusive This award is made possible by Hazelview Investments - active investors, owners and managers of real estate investments since 1999. Hazelview is committed to fostering the sustainable growth of the communities in which they operate and supports learning and innovation in Environmental, Social, and Governance practices.
Apply By: October 31
Faculty Specific
Financial Need
Full-Time Students
Named Donor Award
How To Apply: Online Financial Assistance Application
Katalogic Inc. BMOS Award
Awarded annually to an undergraduate student, in any year, of a DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies program, based on a minimum 70% average and demonstrated financial need. Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center and must be submitted by September 30th. The DAN Management Student Awards Committee will select the recipient after the Office of the Registrar assesses the financial need. This award was established by a generous gift from Ms Wendy Chiu (BA 1994) and her company, Katalogic Inc. Value: 1 at $1,500 Effective Date: 2021-2022 to 2025-2026 academic years inclusive
Apply By: September 30
Faculty Specific
Financial Need
Min 70% Average
Named Donor Award
How To Apply: Online Financial Assistance Application
Western University also features many external scholarships visible through the “Western External Awards Search” (https://studentservices.uwo.ca/secure/Awards/externalAwards.cfm). Although the external awards search does not have the convenience of the filters available on the internal award search, many of the scholarship opportunities are broad and the criteria are clearly displayed. I’ve listed some below.
Bank of Canada
Value: $8,000 scholarships
Field of Study: Undergraduate Degree in the areas economics, finance, information technology and cyber security, administration and operations
Application Deadline: Between January and March
Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Scholarships are awarded to assist students with disabilities, Indigenous, LGBTQ2S+, Francophone and those who identify as a member of a visible minority group or racialized group.
For full details please visit: https://www.bankofcanada.ca/careers/scholarship-awards
Energy Rates - Scholarships
Value: $500 scholarship
Field of Study: Please visit the website for further details
Application Deadline: January 31st
Essay/Statement Required.
For full details please visit: https://energyrates.ca/energyrates-ca-scholarship/
Indspire: Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships, and Awards
Value: Please visit the website for further details
Field of Study: Please visit the website for further details
Application Deadline: August 1, November 1, February 1
Must be an Indigenous person.
For full details please visit: https://indspire.ca/programs/students/bursaries-scholarships/
MoneyGenius Scholarship
Value: $2000
Field of Study: Undergraduate or Graduate level in any field. Must be in at least second year of post-secondary studies.
Application Deadline: October 7
For full details please visit: https://moneygenius.ca/scholarship-canada
Name: AES Engineering Scholarships
Brief Description: AES Engineering offers scholarships to students who demonstrate leadership skills and a strong passion for engineering. The scholarship is open to all majors.
Value: $500
Deadline: October 6, 2023
Name: EnergyRates.ca Scholarship
Brief Description: EnergyRates.ca offers a scholarship to Canadian students who are pursuing post-secondary education. The scholarship requires applicants to submit an essay on a specific topic related to energy conservation.
Value: $500
Deadline: January 31, 2024
Name: Indspire Bursaries and Scholarships
Brief Description: Indspire provides various scholarships and bursaries to Indigenous students across Canada. The program aims to support Indigenous students in pursuing post-secondary education and achieving their educational goals.
Value: Varies
Deadline: August 1, November 1, February 1 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Name: Money Genius Scholarship Canada
Brief Description: Money Genius offers a scholarship to Canadian students who demonstrate financial literacy and provide innovative solutions to financial challenges. Applicants are required to submit an essay on a specific topic related to personal finance.
Value: $1,000
Deadline: October 6, 2023
Name: Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards
Brief Description: The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards provide financial support to women who are the primary financial supporters of their families and are pursuing higher education or skills training. The program aims to empower women to improve their lives and the lives of their families.
Value: Recipients have the potential to receive $1,000 - $16,000
Deadline: August 1 - November 15
In summary, there are many opportunities for students to seek sources of funding to pursue their educational goals. It is helpful to know where you can find these opportunities and how to most effectively spend your time applying for them. Although the examples I have listed are taken straight from Western student services and the office of the registrar, there are many opportunities beyond those. There are several useful online scholarship databases and I encourage students to look locally as well. Wherever you are from, see if there are businesses in the area looking to support your pursuit of secondary education.
Western University Scholarships: https://www.registrar.uwo.ca/student_finances/scholarships_awards/index.html
Western Awards Search: https://studentservices.uwo.ca/secure/Awards/awardMain.cfm
External Awards Search: https://studentservices.uwo.ca/secure/Awards/externalAwards.cfm
good luck
- Cole from SSSC 🩵