Four members of our 2022/2023 SSSC Team are here to share what they wish they knew as AEOs and direct applicants coming from Social Science:
Harper Williamson
Hi! My name is Harper Williamson and I was hired as a Commissioner on the Events portfolio for the 2022/2023 school year!
Council gave me the opportunity to contribute my efforts and collaborate with likeminded students. As a whole we generated outcomes which enhanced the student experience for all!
I accredit the social science faculty for so much of my learning in my first two years at Western, and will be continuing my studies at Ivey this upcoming year!
Tip: Keep yourself busy! When I have lots of things on the go I’m much more productive and feel accomplished after completing tasks. Sign up for those clubs and apply for exciting positions! Variety in your extracurriculars is critical, so don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You’ll make incredible connections and learn real-world skills to carry you forward.
Quote: “Create the life you can’t wait to wake up to.” I’ve always been taught to work for what you want and have phenomenal role models that have demonstrated this well. Put your head down, set goals (big and small), and have fun along the way!
Harper Williamson, Events Commissioner (Events)
Alina Adamesco
I came to western for bmos in the social science faculty, with aeo to enter ivey in my third year. i was given many supports to ensure i was meeting my social science progression requirements at western, but i felt confused about what was required of me to maintain aeo. I would wonder if i was taking the right classes, enough courses, or getting involved in the right ways.
i learned, however, that even though i may not have realized it initially, there were tons of supports around me! navigating through ivey’s website i found brochures and PDFs about progression requirements, and although i had to do a bit of reading - i felt much better when i was done!
i also found peers on campus through clubs and involvement activities, who were in ivey. i asked them tons of questions and they were always more than happy to help!
in terms of getting involved, i learned it was best to get involved in things that interested me! there’s no “right” kind of club to join. ivey wants to see you connect with your interests! i ended up joining a bunch of awesome clubs and got to meet so many amazing people and some lifelong friends! most notably, i decided to join the social science soph team, and i had a BLAST! i made amazing friends, got to support incoming first year students, and learned leadership and team building skills i will continue to carry with me.
i guess my main piece of advice for social science students looking to go into ivey is to utilize your resources and community, get involved, and most importantly - not stress too much, everyone is in the same boat and just as nervous as you!
Alina Adamesco - First Year Rep, USC Councillor (Governance, Advocacy)
Valerie Tsoi
The two years prior to Ivey is full of immense pressure and comparison from grades to LinkedIn profiles. My advice, however, is to remember “everyone is running their own race, in their own time.” Focusing on your own progress can prevent comparisons from clouding your mind with doubts, and it allows you to direct more mental energy into building important skills as well as expanding your learning experiences.
Valerie Tsoi - Fundraising Coordinator (Advocacy)
Cassandra Lundsgaard
Social science has a lot of opportunities that can help your Ivey application! It is important to remember that Ivey is not just having good grades, your activities matter a lot. Being involved in your faculty through SSSC, program clubs, and research with your professors are just some of the wonderful options you can explore!
Cassandra Lundsgaard - Economics Department Representative (Academics)
We miss them on our team but we know they are doing amazing things in Ivey! Remember to do what you are passionate about and to not worry too much!